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【FOODSPORT Urban Hike - Cheung Chau】




​Cheung Chau

2023 年 12 月 3 日(星期)

3 December 2023 (Sunday)



09:00am - 01:00pm


FOODSPORT is a social enterprise who strives to promote healthy living to the community. By combining FOOD with SPORT, FOODSPORT organizes regular community sporting activates to encourage the community to become more active, at the same time, converting all burnt calories into food units for donation to the needed ones in Hong Kong, making every drop of sweat count for addressing hunger.


After a year, FOODSPORT is hosting an "Urban Hike" event on 3 December (Sunday) once again. We are going to hike around Cheung Chau Island and explore the legendary characteristics of Cheung Chau and feel positive energy from nature. 

On event day, FOODSPORT will start from “Cheung Chau Public Pier”, follow “ Cheung Chau Sai Tai Road” and walk along “Nam Tam Wan”to enter ”Little Great Wall”, where you can see the invincible seascape and some wind eroded stone (Human Head Rock and Fa Peng).  Afterwards, we will reach “Kwun Yam Wan Beach”, where the first Hong Kong’s Olympic windsurfing champion Mrs Lee Lai Shan’s practiced. Passing “Cheung Chau Rock Carvings”, we will arrive “Tung Wan Beach”, the most popular beach at Cheung Chau. then visit  the“Pak Tai Temple”, a Grand 1 historic building with a history for more than 200 years; and have the Bun Scrambling Competition every year at in front of temple playground; the last checkpoint is “North Lookout Pavilion”, where you can enjoy a panoramic view of Tung Wan Beach, and return to the start.


All burnt calories will be collected and be donated to our season 4 beneficiary “Food-Co”. Registration will be available online from 18 November (1200 noon) to 24 November (1200 noon). 50 participants MAX. Limited quotas, Sign up now! Let’s hike together and donate calories together~


FOOD-CO is Hong Kong's first comprehensive food aid collaboration platform, allowing food aid service stakeholders to share information on food supply and demand and related services, while coordinating and providing food supply and demand matching services for food donors and food aid service agencies. This will enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of Hong Kong’s overall food assistance services.

The purpose of FOOD-CO is to work together to promote cross-sector cooperation, pool social resources, and help alleviate poverty; at the same time, it also actively promotes food conservation and sharing culture to reduce food waste and create a better life. The project covers an online intermediary platform, research on the social benefits of food aid, industry experience sharing and food waste activities.

More details :



​​50pax, Limited quota, Sign up now 

*Each participant can fill one more friend/family information per registration

(If over limited, will randomly select the name list)






8 years old or above

*Participants under the age of 18 MUST be accompanied by one parent to participate


Cheung Chau Public Pier, near Cheung Chau Ferry Pier 70m, Direction

08:50am (Suggest by Ferry time 07:30 or 08:00) Timetable

*Due to the tight schedule of the event, please be sure on time for on-site registration. Overtime will not be waited for and the fee will not be refunded


Cheung Chau Public Pier > Cheung Chau Sai Tai Road > Nam Tam Wan > Little Great Wall > Kwun Yam Wan Beach > Tung Wan Beach > Pak Tai Temple > North Lookout Pavilion > Cheung Chau Public Pier

(Distance : Est. 10km) 



(Five stars as most difficult)




(Five stars as most flat surface)



Event introduction , Urban Hike , Calorie Cheque Ceremony


NO water supply. Participants are encouraged to bring your own water bottles for drinks 


  1. Participants must follow the designated route, don't venture unmaintained path or take shortcuts.  Exploring new routes will put you in danger, or get lost.

  2. Participants should prepare enough light food and drinks (at least 1L) to maintain their energy.

  3. Prepare your own sunscreen supplies and mosquito repellent.

  4. Participants please choose appropriate clothes and equipment, otherwise they will not participate in the activity (slippers/sandals are not allowed)

  5. If participants feel unwell during the activity, please notify the staff immediately, and the staff will arrange a safe place to rest.

  6. Participants can prepare spare dry clothes to change after event.

  7. Participants please protect countryside and preserve natural landscapes.

  8. Participants may choose to buy or not to buy any insurance according to their personal needs.

  9. Please respect the nature by LEAVE NO TRACE. Be responsible to your own rubbish.



  1. Participants register and attend this event, which represents that he / she is voluntary, and are willing to bear all the responsibility. The organizers and other relevant agencies are not required to bear any responsibility or any property damage or lost, injury or death.

  2. On event day, if typhoon 3 or above typhoon signal, Red / Black Rainstorm Warning is issued, the organizer(s) will make announcement on FOODSPORT Facebook Page ( at least THREE (3) hours prior, to confirm the event status. Participants will NOT be informed individually on the event updates. Therefore, please stay tune with our Facebook Page.

  3. During the event, in case of weather instability, due to the safety of the participants and staffs, we will find shelter at a covered and safe ground until the rain eased off before continuing.

  4. FOODSPORT will use your personal information and any photos / videos taken from the event in accordance with the "Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance," the relevant provisions and confidential. The information you provide (including name, telephone number and email address) will be used to FOODSPORT's products and activities to promote the use, including (but not limited to) products, promotional activities, concessions, seminars, sports training, etc. information. In any case, FOODSPORT will not disclose your personal information to third parties. If you do not wish your personal information be used for promotional purposes, please indicate when providing information, or feel free to email to, title written on the "unsubscribe".

  5. FOODSPORT will consider the event cancel which is according to the on-site situation and environment condition.  Participants will NOT be informed individually on the event updates. Therefore, please stay tune with our Facebook Page (

  6. In case of any dispute, FOODSPORT reserves the rights on all final decisions.


FOODSPORT will be calculating the calories burnt according to the person data of every individuals (such as; Gender, Age, Weight, exercise duration and intensity etc.) All burnt calories will be converted into the equivalence amount of calories worth of food for donation to our beneficiaries "FOOD-CO" and the needy directly.


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The Online Enrollment starts on 18 November 2023 (1200 noon) to 24 November 2023 (1200 noon).

The notification of lottery result e-mail will be send to the participants on 27 November 2023 (Mon) around 3pm.


*To ensure that the enrollment can be carried out fairly, please do not repeat the registration or submit false information. FOODSPORT reserves all final rights to disqualify any registration if any false information is found*


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